Postdoctoral research positions

We conduct basic and applied research to predict the ocean across scales from the shore to the deep basins, from the surface to the ocean bottom, and from the tropics to the poles. The work involves implementing numerical models on high performance computer systems, processing large satellite and in situ data sets, and developing new insights to physics through these. There are many areas in which new researchers are needed. Here is a list of subject areas and present postdoc positions available. Start with the listed point of contact in the position descriptions.

Ocean physics and numerical modeling

*      Thermohaline circulation

o   Ocean Dynamics

o   Air-Sea Interactions and Machine Learning

o   Marginal Sea Upwelling and Tides

o   High Latitude Ocean Dynamics and Modeling

o   Arctic Sea Ice Modeling

o   Turbulence Modelling and Parameterization

*      Mesoscale features

o   Air-Sea Interactions and Machine Learning

o   Ocean Dynamics

*      Submesoscale structures

o   Submesoscale Eddy Dynamics

o   Constraining and predicting smaller-scale ocean features

o   Ocean Dynamics

o   Turbulence Modelling and Parameterization


*      Frontal processes

o   Marginal Sea Upwelling and Tides

o   Submesoscale Eddy Dynamics

o   Constraining and predicting smaller-scale ocean features

o   Ocean Dynamics

o   Ocean wave modeling

o   Turbulence Modelling and Parameterization

*      Surface wave evolution

o   Surface Wave Forecasting

o   Air-Sea Interactions and Machine Learning

o   Ocean wave modeling

*      Turbulence closure

o   Ocean Dynamics

o   Turbulence Modelling and Parameterization

*      Nearshore currents and wave coupling

o   Ocean wave modeling

o   High Resolution Coastal and Nearshore Modeling

o   Turbulence Modelling and Parameterization

*      Cryosphere forecasting

o   Arctic Sea Ice Modeling

o   High Latitude Ocean Dynamics and Modeling

o   Ocean wave modeling

*      Coupled ocean / acoustics

o   Ocean acoustics


Observing systems, Assimilation, HPC

*      Satellite observations

o   Arctic Sea Ice Modeling

o   Constraining and predicting smaller-scale ocean features

o   Ocean Data Assimilation and Probabilistic Prediction Section

o   Submesoscale Eddy Dynamics

o   High Latitude Ocean Dynamics and Modeling

o   Ocean wave modeling

o   Surface Wave Forecasting

*      In situ observations

o   Arctic Sea Ice Modeling

o   Ocean Data Assimilation and Probabilistic Prediction Section

o   Ocean acoustics

o   Submesoscale Eddy Dynamics

o   Constraining and predicting smaller-scale ocean features

o   Surface Wave Forecasting

*      Automated unmanned control systems

o   Autonomous Controlled Systems

*      Forecasting uncertainty

o   Ocean Data Assimilation and Probabilistic Prediction Section

*      Data Assimilation

o   Covariance modeling in data assimilation

o   Ocean acoustics

o   Surface Wave Forecasting

o   Arctic Sea Ice Modeling

o   Ocean Dynamics

o   Constraining and predicting smaller-scale ocean features

o   Variational Assimilation

o   Ocean wave modeling

*      High Performance Computing

o   High_Performance_Computing

o   Marginal Sea Upwelling and Tides

o   Arctic Sea Ice Modeling

o   Submesoscale Eddy Dynamics

o   Turbulence Modelling and Parameterization

o   Constraining and predicting smaller-scale ocean features

o   Covariance modeling in data assimilation

o   High Latitude Ocean Dynamics and Modeling

o   Ocean Data Assimilation and Probabilistic Prediction Section

o   Ocean Dynamics

o   Surface Wave Forecasting

o   Ocean acoustics

o   Air-Sea Interactions and Machine Learning




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